Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

Dibuang Sayang

Kira-kira satu setengah tahun yang lalu saya disuruh asisten PR3 untuk mengikuti lomba penulisan essay JAL scholarships, Alhamdulilah... pada bulan maret saya berhasil menyelesaikan tulisan itu tentunya dengan editing my lecturer, Mr. wasinton. coz pada waktu itu info dari dikti penutupan lomba pada awal april, btw ketika saya mengirim tulisan ini ke pihak JAL ternyata infonya salah, lombanya sudah ditutup dari akhir februari. Sempet sedih banget.. terutama udah ngecewain Pak Ton dan Pak margono, t,api emang belum rezeki kali . yup... btw menurut saya tulisan ini (yang  ikut menemani   tulisan tulisan saya yang lain) sayang dibuang jadi mending taro di sini saja,  hehe


(Strengthening Mutual Respect and Acceptance in Globalization Era)

Without any doubt, globalization is continuing to become the future of the world. With the progress of globalization, the world is facing unpredicted challenges arising from different capacities of nations around the world to cope with various changes which are taking place very rapidly. It should be acknowledged that the main driving force of globalization is the very fast development of science and technology, which has changed the world into borderless countries in many aspects, yet, not all nations has the same capability to take advantages from this situation. Due to this gap, in reality, only few nations could be considered as technology inventors which cultivate a huge amount of economic profit, while the majority of the nations are positioned no more than as markets, forced to spend more and more of their limited financial resources for new inventions constantly feeding the world. This technological gap has resulted persistent, even wider, economic gap between rich and poor countries carries with it serious threats on the globalization changes. 

Advanced science of technology has been transformed into very sophisticated information technology, enabling the information from around the world to be packed and exchanged very easily, and could be accessed from any place. With the support of such advanced information technology, diversity of the world is revealed like never been before, changing the world into borderless countries. In one hand, this achievement could be constructive since it can be used encourage international community for providing immediate response to help any nation which is facing troubles. In addition, with the aid of advanced information technology, international relationship beyond official terms are developing to touch the level of common societies, enabling the societies to function as strengthening parties of international relationship. It should also be appreciated that advanced information technology has enable the people around the world to share information on the development of science and technology, thus promoting the access for helping the education in many countries. 

However, the globalization era also bears potential threats which require careful judgment by the international community. With the introduction of free market, the products of developed countries are pouring the markets around the world, not limited to the modern system, such as supermarkets, but reaching the traditional markets which previously exist as marketing centre for local or traditional products. On the other hand, more stringent health requirements implemented by many developed countries are frequently used to limit the products of developing countries in entering the developed countries. Such practices have been taken by many people of developing countries as unreasonable exploitation of poor countries by rich countries, resulted in social jealousy which might be transformed into destructive acts such as terrorism which has brought the world into persistent fear. Another concern that should be considered carefully is the very powerful role of economic strength in influencing, even determining, political practices in many countries. For this reason, in many cases, crucial economic dependency have been used by developed countries to influence and control the political practices in many less fortune countries, to ensure that the politics are going in accordance with their interest. Such practice might create the impression of being inferior among the people of developing countries, stirring the emergence of opposition and hostility toward developed countries. 

It is then very obvious that globalization era is the most challenging time the world is facing today, offering the world with good things as well as bad things at the same time. It is undeniable that globalization is widening the gap between the countries in many aspects. Without fair sharing of good things cultivated from globalization era, this trend could turn the world into wild situation, marked by uncontrolled exploitation of poor countries by rich countries. To prevent unwanted impacts of globalization era, it is then crucial for international communities to work together cohesively. For this purpose, strengthening mutual respect and acceptance is the best way, by which positive attitude toward globalization could be developed among international communities. Strengthening mutual respect is considered crucial in recognized the need to appreciate diversity of the world, in many aspects, particularly unique culture of every nation. Equally important, strengthening mutual acceptance is considered importance to develop tolerance among the people around the world, in order to minimize the thought of being inferior or superior which might disturb the harmony between the countries. 

In considering the on going development and challenges emerged from globalization era as described above, the student exchange program established by Japanese Airlines is highly respected. This is the opportunity for young people from different countries to share their real life experience and their thought as well as their ideas on how to bring the world into better tomorrow. In the context of building fair sharing of the world resources, this program will bring mutual respect and acceptance beyond the limit of official affairs down to the young people on whose hands the future of the world is truly laid.

May 16, 2007 

1 komentar:


Terimakasih informasinya.
Saya respek dengan tulisan Anda tentang globalisasi. Oleh karena itu saya menyarankan kepada Anda untuk lebih mendalami sepak terjang, World Bank, WTO, WHO, IMF, ADB, dan lain-lain, yang menjadikan globalisasi sebagai kuda tunggangan menjajah negara-negara berkembang, melalui frame Neo Kolonialisme dan Imperialisme.
Setelah Anda mempelajarinya, insyaAllah Anda akan faham kebenaran firman Allah SWT dalam QS.2:120.
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